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Sidne K. Gard


Sidne K. Gard is a New Orleans artist, comic book writer, and poet. All of their works center around personal identity and the types of relationships we form as human beings. 


They have attended writing workshops at Wellesley College, the 92nd Y in New York City, and the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. Sid has also done a two week program focused on comic books at the School of the Art institute of Chicago.


Aside from their creative work, they also focus a lot on community out reach and social justice consciousness -raising with younger kids. They also do a lot of academic writing on comic book history, what it means to be apart of Gen Z, and how human beings form identity.  


They are the co-founder and CEO of Eyeridium Artists Collective and is currently at work on two different titles ("The Ryker Initiative" and a currently untitled project) that will be published  and sold through Eyeridium within the next year, along with a poetry chap book. 

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