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Will You Love Me [CROPPED].jpg

Multimedia pieces from Sidne K. Gard's Lost and Found Fairies series of work.

Our Story

We are a queer artist collective run by a team of Gen-Z New Orleanian artists. 

After two years of making a comic book together, we realized there wasn't much of a space for us in the art world.

Mainstream publishers and many more traditional shops don't want anything to do with authentic queer narratives and much of the world is not ready for Gen-Z to become the storytellers. Our stories are stronger when they are told together. And without losing our individual voices, we became a collective of artists, standing together.

Our Dreams
  • To give opportunity to brilliant young artists for their work to be seen, appreciated, and loved by an outside world

  • To teach business practices, art history, and compassion to the artists and overall people we work with

  • To present diverse characters that reflect what the world truly looks like

  • To give a culture context for the importance of art forms of all kinds

  • To reflect the Gen-Z experience through our creative work

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When I Catch You [CROPPED].jpg

Want to become a member?

Here are the steps:

Step 1:

Get to know us

Follow us on social media. Come see us at Cons. Let us get to know you so we can understand who you are and why your work is awesome.

Step 2:

Send us your

mix tape

Submit an arrangement of your coolest art, writing, music, etc. for Sky and Sid to review.

Step 3:

Join our world

Become an official Eyeridium Artist Collective member!

Fill out the invited artist form and start figuring what you want to create with us.

Step 4:

Create together

Create wild and wonderful art that we can sell and  distribute under your name as a member of the Eyeridium Arts Collective.

(Membership Requirements)

"It's a transition metal."

Names mean a lot, especially to two gender non-conforming, queer kids.  And just like us, Eyeridium Press started out with a different name that just didn't fit. So, of course, we had to spend just as much time finding a new, meaningful name for Eyeridium as we did finding our own names. 

And what the is the meaning behind it you ask?

Well, there's Iris the goddess of rainbows, messenger to the gods, and the defining color of eyes, as well as element #77 on the periodic table known for its iridescent shine and rarity. 


For a while, we had decided on Iridium, the name of said metal. However, after naming our logo (brilliantly designed by Skyler) Eyeris, we knew the company needed a matching name-

and thus Eyeridium was born!



Community Membership

Information and Requirements

Copyright 2019 Eyeridium Artist Collective

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

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